Drama Unpacked and How to lead in a sea of Drama

Drama Unpacked and How to lead in a sea of Drama

Date - Friday 21 June

Time - 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Where - Tower One, Barangaroo

Have you noticed how many organisations, colleagues and businesses are overwhelmed by drama these days? How often do you catch yourself saying, “I’m so busy.” or hear colleagues respond to, “how are you?” with “so busy?”

If resources to move away from drama and create more productivity by leading yourself and others in a different way resonates with you then this Masterclass is for you.

Do you want more time freedom, mental clarity, less stress and to be respected while also being calm, relaxed and healthy? Maybe you want to move away from all the drama and spend your time differently, where you can actually get important things done instead of lurching from one urgent matter to the next?

If this would be of value to you, then don’t miss this Masterclass.

There are more than 5.5 million answers in Google for how to manage drama in business. In just 2 ½ hours you’ll have a new perspective on why drama occurs and is such as addiction in business today and you’ll have resources to move well ahead of the pack and make success happen – drama free!

Forbes Magazine ran a great article in 2018 identifying that 58% of managers and business executives have received no training in managing people and behaviours. Staggeringly, elevation to management is led by role skills and not people skills. Take this into the business world and when drama shows up and leadership is needed it’s soft skills time and so often this ends in drama.

Imagine that only 12% of people leave employment because they are looking for more money. Most business people think this statistic is completely wrong… but when you think about how many people step into private enterprise it becomes clear that many people want ease, flow, less stress and way less drama.

You could be one who thinks like this and if you are, then we invite you to upskill in drama management because the way you see people around you will change, and for the better, you’ll be able to lead in a sea of drama while everyone around you is stuck in overwhelm.

In this Masterclass you will learn:

1. How drama operates in business and the workplace so you can identify it quickly.
2. The mechanics of drama, who plays what role, and how this dysfunction occurs in many areas of our lives.
3. The 2-steps to dealing with drama quickly and creating highly productive solutions.
4. What to do when you feel overwhelmed by “busy”.
5. How to change your perspective and be equipped to lead others out of drama.
6. The hierarchy of status in business and how to peg yourself at the top every day.

Booking Details

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Well done, Paula, for your wisdom and intuition in bringing together such a mix of minds, hearts and expertise. It reminded me of the power of synergy - let’s see what we can do next…

I spent half the night awake with my creative brain sifting through the best way forward, taking into consideration the SAFE concept. I know the path will become clear when I allow it to...

Paula thank you for yesterday and bringing us together! It was the best day out of the office ever!!!

Not often enough we create the SAFE space for us to share and learn. Let's face it 30sec intro in BNI not going to cut it.

I love the quality of our amazing group. And for me, it's all back to my rules of giving. Quality, not quantity.

And Maddi... OMG where did you find her ?!?!??!?!?

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Paula you are an amazing woman who weaved powerful magic over us all yesterday!

Thank you to each and every one of you kickass women - because of you, my energy from a mere 48-hours ago is transformed! I now feel inspired, excited, able and directional. I’m so excited to help you all on your paths too.Thanks to everyone and a special thanks again to Paula and, of course, the amazing Madi!

Let’s ROCK 2019!

Thank you so much for organising such an amazing group of talented, intelligent and inspiring women for our meeting on Friday.  I can’t wait to hear more about “Deals in Heels”!!

I loved listening and learning from all of you – and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in a networking/business meeting before!

And Maddi…….thank you!  The a-ha moment you gave me has had me thinking all weekend.

Happy Monday everyone!

Thank you all for such a thought-provoking and entertaining session on Friday!  Loved the Friday afternoon time slot as it really gives things time to sit over the weekend before getting back into work.

I am very much looking forward to the next one.

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